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From Pastor's Desk

by Fr. Kevin Gillespie, S.J

I am pleased to announce that Ms. Katy Dunn Williams has accepted the position of Principal for Holy Trinity Parish School. She will assume this position in mid-August. Ms. Williams is a graduate of Stone Ridge academy of the Sacred Heart and a recipient of B.A. and M.A. degrees in English at Georgetown University. She has previously served as the Principal of Archbishop Carroll High School, the Dean of Students and Social Action Director at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart and the Dean of Students at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich, Connecticut.

For the past 5 years Ms. Williams has worked as the director of educational planning for PrepMatters and since 2011 has served as the director of alumni support for DC Prep Academy. She also is the past president of Washington Area High School Principals Association.

As an educator, Ms. Williams is trained in a variety of classroom tools including: developmental design, Kagan cooperative learning and Marzano. During her interview she mentioned her involvement in area theater serving on the advisory board for young playwrights theater.

Her other professional services included serving as a catechist, a ministry reflected in her application where she stated:

“I am deeply committed to catholic education. As our youngest learners are tackling early academic and social skills, providing them an environment grounded in faith is more important than ever. As a graduate of Georgetown university and a frequent member of the congregation at Holy Trinity Parish, I know that Catholic Jesuit charism answers this participator call in a powerful way.”

I am grateful for the dedicated and generous efforts of the search committee who helped to narrow down the choice of Ms. Williams among 14 outstanding candidates.

The members of the Search Committee were:

From the Faculty: Karen Dunford, Kerri Edwards and Nick Rosenberg.

Parents: Tamra Moore, Jane Sung, Ben Vaughn, and Kristin Van Fossen.

At large: Father Ben Hawley, S.J. Malcolm McCloskey (Head of the Upper School of Stone Ridge Academy).

Of course, I am most grateful for the competent and compassionate service which for the past five years Principal Kevin McShane has provided for Holy Trinity School and the previous four years as a member of our faculty. I know that I speak for all of you when I state that Kevin did an outstanding job as principal, teacher, mentor and friend.

Mr. Hennessey has generously agreed to serve as the interim principal between the June date when Mr. McShane leaves and the August date when Ms. Williams begins. When she does assume the office of principal, Mr. Hennessey and Ms. Kate Farmer will continue in their position as vice principal. I have every confidence and expectation that our school community will continue to advance under Ms. Dunn’s leadership.


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