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Everything is Connected: Laudato Si' Week

By John Hisle


Laudato Si’ (Pope Francis’ letter on the environment) teaches us how to build a better world, together.

People everywhere are crying out for hope, and our faith is urgently needed to light the way. For Laudato Si’ Week (May 16-24), Catholics are uniting in solidarity for a more just and sustainable future.

  • Reflect and take action, each of the days of the week to reconnect yourself to God’s Blessed Creation—God's Gift to Us! Holy Trinity Laudato Si' Week Calendar

  • Join the worldwide day of prayer May 24. Say this prayer at noon of your local time.

  • Decide on what action you wish to take to honor God’s Gift of Creation tomorrow, next week, next month—and forever.

Stand united with our brothers and sisters in faith as we grow through the crisis of this moment to build a better tomorrow.


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