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A blessed and joyful Lent to all

by Dr. Kathleen DeJardin

Photo by Kathleen DeJardin

We journey to the Cross….

A blessed and joyful Lent to all! Today is Laetare Sunday, based on the first word of the Introit for today: “Rejoice, O Jerusalem…” This was the day when catechumens were decked with roses-so, this Sunday our presiders may don the rose-colored vestment as we anticipate the Easter joy to come. Last weekend our eleven Elect, who will be received into the Church on Holy Saturday with the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion, celebrated the first of three Scrutinies, uncovering and healing all that might be weak or sinful in their hearts. This is also a time for we, already baptized, to search our hearts and minds as we prepare for the renewal of our baptismal promises at Easter. Let us continue to pray for our Elect as they journey to Holy Saturday.

Lent is a time of preparation to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter and can be a time to embrace outwardness in our lives by taking time to call or visit neighbors or those lonely and in need or attending Holy Trinity Friday Lenten activities. On Friday, March 24, Family Stations of the Cross take place at 6pm in the Church, followed with a potluck. Also on Friday, March 24, the Georgetown Chamber Singers and Georgetown Chapel Choir will join the Holy Trinity Triduum Choir for A Lenten Evening of Prayer and Song at 7:30pm.

Beginning with “In These Days of Lenten Journey,” we will sing, remembering the homeless, the hungry, the weary, the poor and our call to sow justice in the lives of those we serve. The choral anthems will include Francis Poulenc’s Lenten motets, Blake Henson, and “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” sung by the Combined Choirs. March 31 the Stations of the Cross will be prayed with the Migrant Team followed by a potluck.

The liturgical music has focused on reflections of the Lenten readings. Today we sing “Locked in Darkness Deep as Night” reflecting the gospel of the man born blind, “Broken for the Broken” looking outward to those in need of prayer and support. We chant the Gospel and Eucharistic Acclamations, singing them without accompaniment as we anticipate the joyfilled Easter celebrations, when we sing our Alleluias with organ and trumpet!

We look forward to Palm Sunday when we begin the Vigil, 11:30am and 5:30pm Masses in Trinity Hall with the reading of the Gospel, followed by the procession with palms to the Church. Please consider being a part of The Triduum Liturgy. This continuous Liturgy begins with Holy Thursday and includes Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Please see the website and bulletin for the complete schedule. Thursday, Friday and Saturday begin with 9:00am Morning Prayer in the Church. We journey together to the Cross….


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© 2020 Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, D.C. | (202) 337-2840 |

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