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Welcome to our virtual faith community.

Cura Virtualis is a digital space for the Holy Trinity Catholic Church community to come together virtually. 

Invoking the Ignatian principle of cura personalis (care of the whole person), we encourage you to take care of your health, both physical and spiritual.

Through personal and collective prayer, some forms of clarity and a sense of the Presence of Christ may emerge. From these graces, we pray that hopeful meanings and inspired actions be realized and shared.


We Welcome Your Submissions

Cura Virtualis accepts original content from Holy Trinity parishioners for dissemination in web, social media and/or other digital formats. The editors are solely responsible for the manner, platform and timing of publication/production.

Submissions will be edited as part of the publication process, including for clarity, style, and length. A submission does not guarantee publication.

© 2020 Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, D.C. | (202) 337-2840 |

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